With the unpredictable weather during recent years, Plant Tuff® is an added layer of protection against drought to shield your crops from the unknown.
Plant Tuff supplies with silicic acid, which is the plant available form of silicon. While silicon is very abundant natural, many forms are not plant soluble meaning it cannot be taken up by the plant. Plant Tuff provides soluble silicon that can be taken up in response to stresses.
In field crops, Silicon has been known to affect plant growth and quality including photosynthesis and transpiration.
Plants with supplies of soluble silicon produce stronger, tougher cell walls. This significantly enhances plant heat and drought tolerance.1
In field crops, silicon is known to affect plant growth and quality, photosynthesis and transpiration.2
Drought is not the only adverse weather condition silicon can help ameliorate. It will help alleviate various abiotic stresses including lodging, temperature extremes, freezing and UV irradiation.3
A successful harvest takes hard work, ideal growing conditions, and a big investment. Help protect your investment and improve your bottom line by applying Plant Tuff Silicon pHertilizer.
However, all the hard work in the world won’t pay off if the weather doesn’t cooperate, compromising yields. Plant Tuff Silicon pHertilizer™ can help your crops fight back.
1 http://www.agprofessional.com/resource-centers/crop-fertility/micronutrients/news/silicon_the_forgotten_nutrient_120035674.html
2 http://www.greenhousemag.com/gmpro-0610-silicon-plant-growth.aspx
3 https://njaes.rutgers.edu/pubs/soilprofile/sp-v20.pdf