Chemically – Plant Tuff conditions your soil by adjusting pH, eliminating your need for lime. The soil conditioning increases uptake of your nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, improving your efficiency and helping where it matters most, your bottom line.
Physically – The Silicon in Plant Tuff protects your crops from Biotic and Abiotic Stresses. Silicon helps increase drought tolerance and promotes stronger and thicker stalks, leaves, and roots.
Biologically – Plant Tuff Silicon pHertilizer™ increases microbial activity, promoting eco-friendly organic matter allowing your plants to increase their uptake of essential macro and micronutrients.
Silicon is taken up by the plant when they are under stress. Plant Tuff provides your plant with plant available silicon, that can help protect your plants from the many stresses your plants face during the growing the season.
Drought Tolerance – The silicon in Plant Tuff enhances the function of the Plant’s Stomata’s, meaning improved responses to drought stress, allowing your crop to survive during tough droughts.
Armoring the Cells – When the plant-available Silicon is taken up into the cells it has an armoring effect on the cells strengthening your plants. Check out our chief agronomist explaining the armoring effect at our field day.